About Us
A venue for every occasion
Situated on 20 acres, loved gardens & an old vineyard. With panoramic views, you'll feel like you're in the picturesque countryside. A serene setting for your wedding, corporate event or social gathering. A 40 minute drive from the CBD and just off the freeway, we are very easy to get to.
We are a family of 6 plus a menagerie of animals. Close knit, very loving and a little bit crazy, all of which we can't help but incorporate into our business. Given the Estate is also our home you can always expect something furry, lots of laughs, team hugs and dancing!
A comment we hear at every function from at least one person is "I want to work here too"
To me, that is the biggest compliment of all because it confirms for me that what our family is creating is unique, special and memorable for our guests.
We understand that although we work extremely hard to make the Estate as beautiful as possible, there will always be somewhere prettier, somewhere more formal, somewhere more structured. Having said that, what we can't help but offer is love, open arms, sincerity, flexibility and privacy.
Lightning Hill Estate is not only our home but our haven. We have chosen to share with those who see the qualities that we do, the wildlife, the tranquility, and the love that you can't help but feel. Certainly it is not for everyone but for those it is for, we welcome you and we can't wait to meet you. This place is special, there is something about it that is way bigger than anything I can put my finger on and I look forward to sharing it with you and your people.
Janine Fitzsimmons