Lissa & Brad aka Geeza

The whole existence of what Lightning Hill Estate is today is because of this beautiful couple - also very very dear friends. They asked if they could marry at our home back in January 2019. The day was perfect and we all loved the day. It was because of that day that I thought it might be a good idea to perhaps have the odd wedding here..... Rod was NOT in agreeance lol. If only he knew where we would end up just a few short years later! If you're interested, have a look at the cellar shots, the room was yellow. Also, look where Bradle's hand is in the last photo, now that's true love
I can't quite remember which wedding came next but here are a few images of the very early ones.
Lauren & Aaron.... and soon to be Alyssa

Not quite sure how this lovely couple stumbled across us; I think it was through a friend of theirs who had their 50th at Lightning Hill. (BTW, that person who turned 50 is now one of our very dear LHE family members.
The wedding was beautiful but now, looking back, I look at the background and it makes me cringe - hey, at least the fountain was there!

Jess & Remiel
This poor couple had to wait a VERY long time before they could finally tie the knot. It took an absolute age for Remiel to finally be allowed into Australia, partly because of Covid and partly the visa department of the Australian Government.
He finally arrived and, although they ended up having their formal ceremony in Indonesia, they finally had the wedding they wanted..... It was beautiful.

Stacey & Warrick
Very cool Beer Boys & Bridal Party
Definitely one of our most fun couples! Initially they looked like they were going to be traditional and possibly a little formal..... then the planning started. From the minute they requested 'shots' on their signing table I knew we were in for a fun, loving and happy crazy time. The Beer Boys (to the right of the group photo) were hilarious, totally owned their job description. The biting is a true sign of love (as is the facial expression in the group photo lol.
Sharon & Josh
Our first themed wedding! So awesome; the whole wedding was themed from Beauty & the Beast! Sharon walked down the isle to the theme song, her bridesmaids were themed, Josh was a very handsome Beast, and Sharon was a very stunning Beauty. This is the only photo that we got but their photographer had a field day with lots of amazing shots.

Lauren, Brett & little Gracey
Already a beautiful little family of 3, the marriage of Lauren & Brett was such a heartfelt occasion for so many reasons. From the minute I spoke to Lauren on the phone I knew there was a reason why we had been united by the universe.... thank you universe.
On the day of the wedding the rain appeared to be against us but 5 minutes before Lauren was due to arrive, the decision was made to move the ceremony setup outside; a decision that turned out to be the right one.

Meet the Fockers!
The marriage of Nicole & Ryan created our very own 'Fockers'
I probably sound rude right now but when you combine their two surnames that's what you get!
This was a classic 'suprise' wedding - everyone thought they were coming to a 40th (which they were) but it also happened to be a wedding. We absolutely love the surprise wedding scenario...... so long as we know in advance :-)
Lauren & Jono
This gorgeous couple were another one of our early weddings. They lived / probably still live in QLD but Lauren originates from Melbourne. Jono managed to find us and we organised the whole wedding remotely.... no mean feat.
I got to meet them for the first time when they arrived to marry. This was another surprise wedding for the guests and although I VERY NEARLY ALMOST put my foot in it, we somehow pulled it off. Lauren & Jono were two of the most beautiful souls and we really felt privileged to be a part of their extremely special and emotional day.

Dianne & Kevin
This was one of those perfect weddings. Complete with the yellow fully stretched limo, the traditional walk down the isle music, the beautiful tiara that Dianne was wearing and the stunning photography from Matt at Now and Forever Photography. Two of the most down to earth people, it was such a tear jerk ceremony, we loved it!
Jess & Rob

This picture is the perfect indication of how much fun this couple were. I think it was Irene's favourite ceremony going by that gorgeous smile on her face.
Jess & Rob are one of those infectious couples, with their cheeky smiles and their ability to not only accept who they are - but embrace it.
Even Irene got into the swing of things (at Rob's request) for the ceremony.... check our their shoes lol